Legal Notice
Innstraße 81-85
84513 Töging a. Inn
Phone: +49 / 86 31 / 39 67-40
Fax: +49 / 86 31 / 39 67-39
Register Court: Traunstein HRB 2132
VAT number: DE129 265 953
European Commission platform for the online settlement of disputes:
We are neither obligated nor willing to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
Responsible for the content according to MDStV § 10 paragraph 3 (national German media services agreement):
Managing Directors: Josef Trager, farmer, Dr. Jürgen Lang,
Dipl.-Ing. Rudolf Schwarz, Josef Gandlgruber, Holly Schels
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This website may be linked to other websites which are not run by CATTLE COMFORT GmbH. Such links are provided for the sole purpose of information. CATTLE COMFORT GmbH is not responsible for the contents of any such website or for the products or services offered thereon or for any other offers appearing thereon. CATTLE COMFORT GmbH is not liable for any illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents, especially not for any damage arising from your use or non-use of the information provided on the websites linked to this website.
Design and realization
viewto - advertising & graphic design agency
Josef Kirchmaier-Gilg
Pfarrer-Dr.-Lipp-Strasse 25
84539 Ampfing
Phone: +49 - 86 36 - 98 67 78
Fax: +49 - 86 36 - 98 67 79